Korea voiced VX poison for Kim Jong-nam

North Korean news agency KCNA 1.3 days sent messages about the investigation of the Malaysian police and VX poison that killed its citizens.

According to NK News, this is information Korean news agency (KCNA) claimed 1.3 days. North Korea said that the cause of death of its citizens in Malaysia is yet to be determined, and accused the US and South Korea blamed Pyongyang unfounded.

KCNA mentioned only victim was Kim Chol, official passports in the names of the people killed at the Kuala Lumpur airport. Meanwhile, Malaysian and South Korean officials believe that the main victim is Kim Jong-nam, the brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

"The cause of his death has not yet been clearly identified but US and South Korean officials have blamed an unfounded way to Korea, confirmed that he was poisoned by a powerful nerve agent VX "KCNA written statement.

North Korea said, "ridiculous, lack of accurate scientific basis and illogical" when applied suspects VX poison into the victim was not poisoned, while their citizens were killed.

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Malaysian police announced the suspect women went to wash your hands after applying poison into the victim.

KCNA written statement, only a small dose of VX can also make "tens of thousands of people dead." "If the VX is found on the lips of Kim Chol eyes and then his ambulance and police protection he might have been poisoned. Airports should also have been closed but it still works."

According to the KCNA, if a suspect is injected the antidote before the crime, then these people may be shocked. Even when suspects wearing gloves when this action is poisons still very dangerous.

10 mg VX poison absorbed through the skin is enough to cause death. VX is listed chemical weapons capable of mass destruction, according to Resolution 687 of the UN

Pyongyang said the US and South Korea are making Korean smear campaign and believes that Washington and Seoul property VX poison.

"Almost all countries have eliminated this poison under the convention banning chemical weapons, but only the US and some other countries still owns VX. What's worse than the United States has introduced Korea all chemical weapons, "KCNA wrote.

Korea voiced VX poison for Kim Jong-nam Korea voiced VX poison for Kim Jong-nam Reviewed by duatin on 9:13:00 PM Rating: 5
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