Bloody war in the province of Dara'a
On the territory of the Syrian war against terrorism IS still going very fierce, especially in the province of Dera'a ...
The region in the province of Dara'a, Syria continued fierce fighting between the forces of terrorism IS and Nusra fighters. Nusra fighters backed by the military forces of freedom Syria.
Fragile ceasefire achieved through the active participation of the Russian side. But Russia alone almost not enough, members of rebel groups and terrorists IS Nusra attack and kill each other, creating a horrific massacre in the area.
In about a week more than 300 people were killed by the bloody fighting between gunmen en-Nusra Dzhebhat same freedom Syrian army and terrorist forces in the entire region IS Dara'a province.
Especially the situation continued to escalate tensions between armed groups that the number of deaths is increasing. 1/3 yesterday, organize and supervise the Syrian Human Rights said more than 170 IS terrorists died in the attack.
Only in the last 24 hours, more than 40 soldiers belonging to the army of freedom comb Syria and more than 10 terrorists were killed in the fighting.
Earlier Syrian freedom army along with its allies against attacks Khalid bin Walid military (a branch of the terrorist organization IS) in the south-west province Dara'a, especially clash near important cities Tasil. Thanks to the coalition forces, the Syrian army has free counter and quickly won. Terrorists and insurgents partly destroyed, and partly fled the battlefield.
The pictures and the result of this clash is a public media frightening the whole world, with dozens of gunmen were killed near Tal al strategic hill-Jama'a, the dead and injured lying on the battlefield, many military equipment left behind.
Earlier, last week Khalid bin Walid army (a branch of the terrorist organization IS) attacked expand their territory to the west-south Dara'a. This attack they succeeded and then they forced people in many settlements established military force against Syria freely ...
Bloody war in the province of Dara'a
Reviewed by duatin
6:55:00 AM